To add your personalized ClaimWizard badge into your WordPress website, follow the steps below:

1. Personalized ClaimWizard Badge Code

Log into ClaimWizard Admin / Portal Configuration (see instructions here) and copy your personalized ClaimWizard badge code.

2. Log into WordPress

Log into your WordPress and click “Appearance” then “Widgets”

3. Add a Text Widget

When you click “Widgets” you will then be able to select the widget type to add. The easiest way to add a personalized ClaimWizard Portal graphic is using a Text Widget.

4. Paste Your Personalized ClaimWizard Portal Link

In the Text Widget field, paste your personalized ClaimWizard Portal Link. Click SAVE. That’s it!

If you need more specific assistance with adding your personalized ClaimWizard Portal Badge to your website, have your website professional contact us at